​​​​​​​Barbara Strathdee​​​ Artist & Author
Selected Exhibitions
Auckland City Art Gallery, Feminist Art Archives from the 1970s to the 1990s (November 2017 - June 2019).
Victoria University of Wellington, Cultural Sustainability Symposium. Barbara Strathdee: presentation of the painting Facing the Shadow of the Future
Wellington, Adam Art Gallery, The More You Know: Give and Take/ Hoki Whakamuri, Haere Whakmua Dynamic Cultural forms in Aotearoa New Zealand – The Victoria University Art Collection in Context
Waikanae, Mahara Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Twelve Months of Summer (solo)
Kohukohu, Village Arts Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Shelter (solo)
Wellington, Suite Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Waikanae Stills (solo)
Rawene, Outpost Hokianga, Barbara Strathdee: Riffs & Transitions (solo)
Invercargill, Southland Museum and Art Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Ted’s Jersey (solo)
Upper Hutt, Expressions Art Centre, Barbara Strathdee: Race Day (solo)
Kranj, Slovenia, Gorenjski Muzej, Omaggio Cernigoj
Trieste, Italy, Villa Revoltella, Mostra fra I vetri
Rawene, Outpost Hokianga, Barbara Strathdee: Family & Friends (solo)
Wellington, Te Wa, Ian Athfield Studio, Wellington Artists
Monfalcone, Italy, Galerie Imaginaire, D’Apres Cernigoj 2
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Barbara Strathdee: Lone Stranger (solo)
Wellington, Idiom Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: A House & The City (solo)
Topolo`, Grimacco, Italy, Stazione Topolo`/ Postaja Toplove
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Parihaka – the art of passive resistance
Wellington, Tinakori Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Origin and Dispersion (solo)
Wellington, Tinakori Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: History Paintings (solo)
New Plymouth, Lesley Kreisler Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: History Painting (solo)
Auckland, Portfolio Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Before Image (solo)
Pakaranga, Auckland, Fisher Gallery, Conversations
Auckland, Warwick Brown Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: The Italian Years (solo)
Venice, Italy, Palazzo Correr, Masks in Venice
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Local Colour
Trieste, Italy, Nadia Bassanese Studio d’Arte, Barbara Strathdee: Prossimamente (solo)
Anagni, Italy, Galleria L’Officina, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Turin, Italy, Galleria L’Uovo di Struzzo, Two Person Exhibition (with Mario Sillani Djerrhian)
San Giovani al Natisone, Italy, Villa Brandeis, La natura delle cose
Bovec, Slovenia, Fortress of Kluze, Blitzart
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Town & Gown
Topolo`, Grimacco, Italy, Stazione Topolo`/ Postaja Toplove
Belluno, Italy, Sitran d’Alpago, Portico Inattuali
Trieste, Italy, Museo Revoltella, Revoltella Estate
Trieste, Italy, Nadia Bassanese Studio d’Arte, Pilot Essay (with Julian Dashper)
Dunedin, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, From Liquid Darkness
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Mestna Galerija, Erewhon (with Odinea Pamici and Giorgio Valvassori)
Milan, Italy, Galleria Diecidue Arte, Barbara Strathdee: In qualche luogo (solo)
Wellington, 33 1/3 Gallery, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Wellington, Te Papa Tongarewa / Museum of New Zealand, Perspectives
Auckland, Lazelle Gallery, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Inheritance
Marsala, Sicily, Italy, Il sud del mondo
Perugia, Italy, Rocca Paolina, Presenze – Artisti stranieri oggi in Italia
Wellington, 33 1/3 Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Bivouac of Surveyors (solo)
Auckland, Lazelle Gallery, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Mana Tiriti – the art of protest and partnership
Hamilton, Waikato Museum of Art and History /Te Whare Taonga O Waikato, Barbara Strathdee: Signs of Settlement (solo)
Udine, Italy, Galleria Interno Quattro, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Christchurch, CSA Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Drawings (solo)
Auckland, Auckland City Art Gallery, After McCahon
Palmerston North, Manawatu Art Gallery, Partners in The Treaty
Gorizia, Italy, Exit Studio Arte, La materia…l’oggetto…
Vienna, Austria, Studio Salzmann Dorotheergasse, Oral
Wellington, City Gallery Wellington, Barbara Strathdee: The Meeting on The Beach (solo)
Wellington, 33 1/3 Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Staking a Claim (solo)
Trieste, Italy, Nadia Bassanese Studio d’Arte, Barbara Strathdee: Borderline Dreams (solo)
Reggio Emilia, Italy, Sala delle Carrozze, Figure e forme dell’imaginario
Christchurch, CSA Gallery, Paintings (solo)
Brescia, Italy, Galleria d’Arte Multimedia, Le perle delle nuvole
Ferrara, Italy, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Figure dallo sfondo
Wellington, Janne Land Gallery, NZ Festival of the Arts
Nelson, Suter Art Gallery, Goodman Suter Biennale
Trieste, Italy, Casa di Cultura Slovena, Omaggio a Cernigoj
Trieste, Italy, Nadia Bassanese Studio d'Arte, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Auckland, Denis Cohn Gallery, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Wellington, Janne Land Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: Lamda-decay Series (solo)
Auckland, Auckland City Gallery, ANZART – Artists’ Books
New Plymouth, TACO Studios, Installations
Trieste, Italy, Galleria Tommaseo, Dieci Anni
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Mail Exchange, ANZART in Hobart
Wellington, ex-Thomson Lewis Factory, F.1. New Zealand Sculpture Project
Wellington, National Art Gallery, Me by Myself – the Self-Portrait
Wellington, The Womens’ Gallery, Mothers (touring exhibition)
Wellington, Galerie Legard, Barbara Strathdee: Women Talking (solo)
Wellington, Wellington City Art Gallery, Opening
Wellington, The Women’s Gallery, Diaries
Wellington, National Art Gallery, Show The Flag
Rome, Italy, Galleria Spazio Alternativo, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Bologna, Italy,Galleria de` Carbonese, Barbara Strathdee: Torn Canvases (solo)
Islake-Kagorje, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Slikarska Colonia (three-person exhibition)
Rome, Italy, Palazzo delle Esposizione, X Quadriennale di Roma
Auckland, Auckland City Art Gallery, New Zealand Print 1977
Muggia, Trieste, Italy, Festa della riappropriazione urbana
Trieste, Italy International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Barbara Strathdee: Ted’s Jersey (solo)
Rome, Italy, Palazzo Braschi, Aspetti pittorici della Venezia-Giulia
Masterton, Wairarapa Arts Centre, NZ Prints Council (touring exhibition)
London, Commonwealth Institute, Barbara Strathdee: Crayfishing With Grandmother (solo)
Mestre, Venice, Italy, Galleria L’Acquario, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Trieste, Italy, Galleria Cartesius and Galleria Tommaseo, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Vicenza, Italy, Studio Pozzan, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Trieste, Italy, Galleria La Cappella Underground, Feministe
Rome, Italy, Galleria Soligo, Marebagroup
Verona, Italy, Villa Lorenzoni Biblioteca Comunale, Marebagroup
Udine, Italy, Cenro Friulano di Arti Plastiche, Sette pittori triestini
Vienna, Austria, Modern Art Galerie, Bilder und Plastiken
Mortegliano, Italy, Arte Contemporanea
Idrija, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Galerija Idrija, International Art Colony
Salzburg, Austria, Hohensalzburg Castle, Oscha Kokoschka Sommerakademie
Trieste, Italy, Palazzo Costanzi, VI Mostra regionale di grafica
Trieste, Italy, Galleria La Boheme, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Ferrara, Italy, Galleria Cortevecchia, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Bari, Italy, Galleria Piccinnini, Barbara Strathdee (solo)
Koper, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Galerija Loza, Cernigojeva Sola
Wellington, Bett-Duncan Gallery, Barbara Strathdee: prints (solo)
STUDIO TALK 2015 - YouTube
Talk at Studio Carolina Izzo, Auckland, November 23, 2015:
Painting and installation In NZ and Italy. 1962-2012